Leave It to Beaver is an American television situation comedy about an inquisitive and often naïve boy named Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood. The show also starred Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont as Beaver's parents, June and Ward Cleaver, and Tony Dow as Beaver's brother Wally. The show has attained an iconic status in the US, with the Cleavers exemplifying the idealized suburban family of the mid-20th century.
Jerry Mathers
Barbara Billingsley
Hugh Beaumont
Tony Dow
Ken Osmond
Robert 'Rusty' Stevens
Tiger Fafara
Doris Packer
Burt Mustin
Jeri Weil
Madge Blake
Stanley Fafara
Rory O'Connor
Buddy Joe Hooker
Cheryl Holdridge
Eddie Marr
Cindy Carol
Richard Deacon
Jean Vander Pyl
Madge Kennedy
Sue Randall
Diane Brewster
Frank Bank
Wendell Holmes
John Hoyt
Marjorie Reynolds
Jess Kirkpatrick
John Hart
Kim Charney
Lenore Kingston
Frank Sully
Edgar Buchanan
Katherine Warren
Ralph Sanford
Alan Reynolds
Aline Towne
Beverly Lunsford
Tim Matheson
Lurene Tuttle
Ann Doran
Tommy Ivo
Vince Williams
Bartlett Robinson
Ross Elliott
Lyle Talbot
Karl Swenson
Dick Simmons
Paul Engle
Pamela Baird
John Philip Dayton
Ray Montgomery
Hardie Albright
Gil Frye
Richard Smiley
Patty Turner
Eric Snowden
George Cisar
Dorothy Adams
Beverly Washburn
Mimi Gibson
Pamela Duncan
Howard McNear
Arthur Space
Bill Erwin
Stephen Wootton
Bert Remsen
Cheryl Miller
Tommy Cole
Russ Conway
James Parnell
Hal Smith
Ed Peck
Bill Idelson
Howard Wendell
Brad Morrow
Johnny Jacobs
Carleton G. Young
Harlan Warde
Harry Tyler
Don Haggerty
Lillian Bronson
Marta Kristen
Joseph Crehan
Irene Tedrow
William Bakewell
Paul Langton
Candy Moore
Stanley Clements
William Schallert
Barry Gordon
John Alvin
Barbara Parkins
James Seay
Don Drysdale
Will Wright
Ryan O'Neal
Majel Barrett
Larry Thor
Frank Ferguson
Amzie Strickland
Jason Robards Sr.
Jackie Kelk
Phyllis Coates
Herb Vigran
William Fawcett
Charla Doherty
Norman Alden
Lori Martin
James Gleason
Joanna Lee
Jimmy Hawkins
Dorothy Abbott
Shirley Mitchell
Connie Gilchrist
Frank Albertson
Peter Leeds
William Stevens
Herbert Rudley
Raymond Hatton
Lyn Osborn
Stuart Wade
Maudie Prickett
Don Dillaway
Irving Bacon
Bea Silvern
Stephen Talbot
Mark Murray
Dennis Olivieri
Kevin Jones
Johnny Eimen
Harry Harvey
Gary Allen
Stephen Paylow
Penny Carpenter
Wendy Winkelman
Philip Grayson
Julie Bennett
Lonnie Thomas
Tommy Berwald
Benny Baker
Charles H. Gray
Yolanda White
Francis De Sales
Gary Hart
Johnny Silver
Charles Wagenheim
Allen Windsor
James Drake
Barbara Dodd
Louise Lewis
Erik Nielsen
Stephen Hammer
Anne Dore
Helen Jay
Charles Davis
Bobby Mittelstaedt
Dian Van Patten
Claudia Bryar
Dorothy Best
Betty Lynn Budzak
Helen Parrish
Yvonne White
Joey Scott
Lillian O'Malley
Frank Wilcox
William Kendis
Charles Davis
William Hunt
Mary Foran
Ricky Allen
Don Ames
Duke Fishman
Bess Flowers
Herschel Graham
Jan Gillum
Linda Lowell
Raymond Karr
Douglas Wade
John Eldredge
Dennis Holmes
David Halper
Barry Curtis
Ray Kellogg
Valerie Allen
Dorothy Neumann
Lee Meriwether
Linda Beardon
Stephanie Hill
Veronica Cartwright
John Baer
Buddy Lewis
Paul Bryar
Bob Mosher
Original Language: