Family Affair is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 12, 1966 to September 9, 1971. The series explored the trials of well-to-do civil engineer and bachelor Bill Davis as he attempted to raise his brother's orphaned children in his luxury New York City apartment. Davis' traditional English gentleman's gentleman, Mr. Giles French, also had adjustments to make as he became saddled with the responsibility of caring for 15-year-old Cissy and the 6-year-old twins, Jody and Buffy. The show ran for 138 episodes. Family Affair was created and produced by Don Fedderson, also known for My Three Sons and The Millionaire.
Brian Keith
Sebastian Cabot
Kathy Garver
Anissa Jones
John Williams
Johnny Whitaker
Heather Angel
Sherry Alberoni
John Hubbard
Joan Vohs
William Boyett
Noel Drayton
Pamelyn Ferdin
Betty Lynn
Nora Marlowe
Jay Novello
Del Moore
Victoria Paige Meyerink
Kym Karath
Anna Navarro
Pauline Drake
Carlos Romero
Kelly Corcoran
Ralph Manza
Cathleen Cordell
Maura McGiveney
Kerry MacLane
Gary Dubin
Kaye Elhardt
Patrick Moore
Benson Fong
Julian Rivero
James Hong
Richard Bull
Lynn Borden
Carleton Young
Larry Thor
Vic Tayback
Leslie Randall
Frank Maxwell
Kathleen Crowley
Rosa Turich
Richard Gates
Butch Patrick
Kathryn Minner
Nancy Kovack
Irene Hervey
Howard Culver
Joan Freeman
Lori Martin
Byron Morrow
Darleen Carr
Leslie Parrish
Richard Gautier
Irene Tedrow
Émile Genest
Eve Plumb
Warren Berlinger
June Lockhart
Brian Forster
Dana Andrews
Jane Webb
Carol Nugent
Francine York
Ida Lupino
Pippa Scott
Dennis Cross
Archie Moore
Coleen Gray
Paul Hartman
Georgia Schmidt
David Ladd
John Alvin
Romo Vincent
Joan Blondell
Kipp Hamilton
Myrna Loy
Sean McClory
Nydia Westman
Robert DoQui
Kenneth Tobey
George J. Lewis
Brian Donlevy
John Carter
John Agar
Abraham Sofaer
Andrea King
Noel Toy
Peter Duryea
Rita Gam
Olan Soule
Marcia Mae Jones
Charles Herbert
Michael Allinson
Lee Meriwether
Diane Brewster
John Howard
Cay Forester
Anna Lee
Julie Parrish
Mitzi Hoag
Sally Forrest
Robert Reed
Liam Sullivan
Jamie Farr
Paul Fix
John Milford
Eddie Hodges
Barbara Babcock
Kaye Stevens
Peter Leeds
Richard Moll
Keye Luke
Bob Steele
Lester Matthews
Horace McMahon
Walter Reed
Philip Ober
Peggy Rea
Richard Loo
Christopher Dark
Cindy Eilbacher
Nancy Walker
Sterling Holloway
Martha Hyer
Patric Knowles
Jackie Coogan
John Lupton
Ernestine Wade
Audrey Dalton
Norman Alden
Dale Ishimoto
Maurice Dallimore
Ann Sothern
Joe Flynn
Elaine Devry
Lori Nelson
Woodrow Parfrey
Beulah Quo
Booth Colman
Herbert Anderson
Alan Napier
Nestor Paiva
Doris Singleton
Patience Cleveland
Alice Frost
Henry Corden
Jill Townsend
Carmen D'Antonio
Pepe Hern
Magda Harout
Andy Albin
Tom Lowell
Gregg Fedderson
Aron Kincaid
Edmund L. Hartmann
Don Fedderson
Original Language: