One Foot in the Grave is a BBC television sitcom series The series features the exploits of Victor Meldrew and his long-suffering wife, Margaret. The programmes invariably deal with Meldrew's battle against the problems he creates for himself. Living in a typical household in an unnamed English suburb, Victor takes involuntary early retirement. His various efforts to keep himself busy, while encountering various misfortunes and misunderstandings are the themes of the sitcom. The series was largely filmed on location in Walkford, near New Milton in Hampshire, although several clues show that the series may have been set in Hampshire – possibly Winchester. Despite its traditional production, the series supplants its domestic sitcom setting with elements of black humour and surrealism.
Doreen Mantle
Janine Duvitski
Angus Deayton
Richard Wilson
Annette Crosbie
Owen Brenman
John Rutland
Roger Hammond
Michael Robbins
Diana Coupland
Richard Lumsden
John Cater
Enn Reitel
Peter Copley
Richard Pearson
Paul Merton
Kay Adshead
Jake Wood
Sarah Mortimer
Jimmy Jewel
Helen Lederer
Gareth Armstrong
Myrtle Devenish
Simon Greenall
Barbara Windsor
Hannah Gordon
David Battley
Susie Blake
Norman Lumsden
Clive Mantle
Michael Bilton
Richard Davies
John Sessions
Helen Fraser
Damaris Hayman
William Vanderpuye
Georgina Hale
Christopher Ryan
Hilary Mason
Stephen Lewis
Annette Kerr
Willie Ross
Jan Ravens
John Bluthal
Peter Corey
Joolia Cappleman
Lorraine Kelly
Joanna Scanlan
Antony Sher
Danny O'Dea
Christopher Saul
David Peart
Colin Ward-Lewis
Valerie Minifie
Nick Maloney
John Bird
Gordon Peters
Richard Evans
David McKail
David Renwick
Original Language: