Hyacinth Bucket (whose name, she insists, is pronounced "Bouquet") is a suburban housewife in the West Midlands. She would be the first to tell you that she is a gracious hostess, a respected citizen, and a well-connected member of high society. If you don't believe that, just ask her best friend Elizabeth, held captive in Hyacinth's kitchen; or the postmen and neighbours who bristle at the sound of her voice; or Richard, her weary and compliant husband. In fact, Hyacinth's reputation could be as perfect as her new lounge set, if not for her senile father's love of running wild in the nip. Oh, and she would prefer it if her brother-in-law was a sharper dresser. And that her husband was more ambitious. And that her sisters were more presentable. And do take your shoes off before you come in the house, dear. Mind that you don't brush against the wallpaper.
Patricia Routledge
Clive Swift
Judy Cornwell
Geoffrey Hughes
Josephine Tewson
David Griffin
Mary Millar
Jeremy Gittins
George Webb
Marion Barron
David Janson
Shirley Stelfox
Robert Rawles
Charmian May
Robert McBain
Peter Cellier
Ian Burford
Eric Carte
Anna Dawson
Ivor Danvers
Leo Dolan
Denis Bond
Keturah Sorrell
Linda James
John Pennington
Pamela Abbott
Len Lowe
John Evitts
Dinah Sheridan
Jeanne Mockford
Jon Glover
Gerald Sim
Jean Anderson
Dicken Ashworth
Jennifer Daniel
Gretchen Franklin
Liz Gebhardt
Tony Aitken
Royce Mills
Sue Lloyd
Bruce Montague
Geraldine Newman
Ian Lavender
Derek Waring
Timothy Carlton
John Arnatt
Jack Smethurst
Norman Lovett
Christopher Mitchell
Jonny Lee Miller
David Warwick
Marcia Warren
Michael Bilton
David Simeon
Frederick Jaeger
Nigel Davenport
Liz Daniels
Stuart Fell
Angus Lennie
Bernard Archard
Anna Bolt
Terrence Hardiman
Bruce Alexander
Paul Toothill
James Ottaway
Steve Morley
Rebecca Root
John Owens
Juliet Douglas
Eileen Davies
Jill O'Hare
Less "Leslie" Clack
Stella Kemball
Tricia Thorns
Bruce Bennett
Jonathan Fryer
Patricia Leach
Rick Friend
Richard Ashton
Laura Shavin
Michael Burrell
Gregory Cox
Stuart Sherwin
Sally Hughes
Eamonn Clarke
Sharon White
Michael Leader
Helen Christie
Simon Merrick
Brendan O'Hea
Anthony Dawes
Ivan Santon
Robert Powell
Nigel Williams
Nick Burnell
David Keller
Karen Chatwin
Jonathan Stratt
Matthew Long
Nicholas Bennett
Ian Collier
Nicholas Boyce
Joe Dunlop
Michael L. Blair
Barrie Gosney
Helen Dorward
Paul Williamson
Clovissa Newcombe
Liz Edmiston
Ann Davies
Donald T. Allen
Gordon Peters
Irene Sharp
John Barrard
John Phythian
Jennifer Clulow
Rita Davies
John Darrell
Sheila Rennie
Jean Harvey
Kyle Wicks
Ben de Winter
Margaret Towner
Lois Penson
Clare Kelly
David Ashford
Jessica James
Colin Stepney
Jennie Morton
Alexandra Howerd
John Waterhouse
Roy Clarke
Original Language: