Set ten years after the events at the Paris Opera House, the Phantom has fled to New York, where he lives amongst the joyrides and freak shows of Coney Island. He has finally found a place for his music to soar, all that is missing is his love Christine Daaé. In a bid to win back her love, the Phantom lures Christine, her husband Raoul, and their young son Gustave from Manhattan, to the glittering and glorious world of Coney Island... they have no idea what lies in store for them...
Ben Lewis
The Phantom
Anna O'Byrne
Christine Daaé
María Mercedes
Madame Giry
Simon Gleeson
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny
Sharon Millerchip
Meg Giry
Emma J. Hawkins
Paul Tabone
Dean Vince
Jack Lyall
Brett Sullivan
Lyricist, Musical, Writer
Charles Hart
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Musical, Novel, Writer
Frederick Forsyth
Musical, Writer
Ben Elton
Musical, Writer
Glenn Slater
Gaston Leroux
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