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January 16, 2018


Something's missing from this one, or maybe it's couple of things.

Jack Black plays goofy loveable Polka King of Pennsylvania Jan Lewan. He is completely certain of his own talent and has an immense drive to make it big. Sadly he isn't that smart, and not enough people love his music, only a group of dedicated elderly fans, so in a desperate act out of what seems like altruism he starts what is essentially a ponzi scheme to help get his musicians paid more and build his empire.

Jack Black is solid, so if you like his schtick or Polka music you may enjoy this, but outside of that it seems like the actors think this film is a comedy when nothing really funny is said or done. The film ambles along, recreating the events, but it misses any kind of heart or soul that would have been found in the real people.

The biggest disappointment was Jason Schwartzman, the usually solid comedy actor was completely coasting. And what a total waste of JB Smoove. Jenny Slate seemed the most committed to her role outside of Jack Black, but even she couldn't hold this film together.

All in all the film reminded me of another Jack Black film based on true events called Bernie, but Bernie was superior in every way.