The movie is a post-apocalyptic horror/science fiction film. the setting is in a near post apocalyptic future where a biological warfare program goes wrong, and turns most of humanity to mindless, murderous creatures.
Zach Cohen
Susanne Gschwendtner
Davina Kevelson
David Lavenski
Carl McCrystal
Director, Writer
Eitan Reuven
Shlomi Aviner
Michael Birinbaum
September 10, 2016
Being that I generally like zombie movies and can sit through most (even B grade) and seeing this and thought hmmm, zombies and post apocalypse, should be good - wrong. Save your time and money and find something else. Like most zombie films is a virus let loose gone wrong with the seminal army officer know all. With two survivors (a colonel and computer programmer turned zombie fighter and over qualified electrician), they battle the days until they stumble across a hospital with a doctor and her friend. And so the story begins. But is the colonel all upfront? The acting is terrible and non believable (especially Carl McCrystal - colonel), over winded and some of the time lines seem to be a bit skewed. They seem to have an unlimited supply of bullets to randomly spread but never see a reload or get supplies? With a story voice over reminiscent of mad max 2 it just hasn't got enough substance. Just skip it, you'll thank me