Having abandoned modern civilization, Ryoichi lives an isolated, self-sufficient life on a snow-covered mountain and sends mail bombs to the CEOs of corporations and TV networks. One day, he encounters a mysterious creature in the forest. That night, his older brother, who had committed suicide, appears before him at his cabin. The apparition takes Ryoichi beyond a door, where Ryoichi learns the truth about his family.
Eita Nagayama
Ryoichi Kakiuchi
Ken Ken
Kenta Kakiuchi
Yosuke Kubozuka
Yuki Kakiuchi
Jun Kunimura
Ryoichi's Father
Mayuu Kusakari
Mikana Kakiuchi
Miyuki Matsuda
Ryoichi's Mother
Kiyohiko Shibukawa
Director, Writer
Toshiaki Toyoda
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