While shooting a documentary about “missing” civill servants a filmmaking duo stumble upon Charoula, a desperate, overprotective Greek mother searching for her missing civil servant son. But when his name is linked to government fraud with a foreign female accomplice, Charoula sets out her other, disabled son, Lefteris to clear his name. With the help of a Greek African taxi driver and a less than helpful antifa group of misfits, the documentary duo follow Charoula on her quest to find and bring him back home where he belongs, even if it means discovering who her son really is.
Eleni Kokkidou
Julio Katsis
Kevin Zans Ansong
Ahilleas Hariskos
Alexis Vidalakis
Domenika Regou
Antonis Iliakis
Sofia Christofi
Eleni Georgiou
Aggelos Nerantzis
Stratos Hatzistefanou
Tahimy Rodriguez
Dionisis Tarazis
Director, Screenplay
Spiros Jacovides
Ziad Semaan
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