The Immortal is an American television series, which aired on ABC from September 1970 to January 1971. The series is based on a pilot movie of the same name, which aired in September 1969. The pilot is based on the science fiction novel The Immortals, by James Gunn. Although the series was canceled at midseason, episodes were rerun by ABC in the summer of 1971. It was later shown in reruns on the Sci Fi Channel.
Christopher George
Don Knight
Tisha Sterling
David Brian
Frank Orsatti
Robie Porter
Michael Strong
Martine Bartlett
Lynn Loring
Michael Conrad
Nico Minardos
Vic Morrow
Angela Greene
Lee Patterson
Iron Eyes Cody
Rosemary Forsyth
Kem Dibbs
Mitch Vogel
Barry Sullivan
Karen Arthur
Sal Mineo
James B. Sikking
John Pickard
Patience Cleveland
Collin Wilcox Paxton
Elizabeth Harrower
Mario Alcalde
Herbert Jefferson Jr.
Sherry Jackson
Lee Meriwether
Henry Beckman
Glenn Corbett
Richard Ward
Ed Begley Jr.
Joan Hotchkis
Paul Picerni
Howard Duff
Marj Dusay
Karl Swenson
Jack Albertson
Jacqueline Scott
Lynda Day George
Warner Anderson
Peggy Rea
John Dehner
Ted Knight
Carol Lynley
Bruce Dern
Dave Willock
Philip Bourneuf
Ross Martin
Don 'Red' Barry
Don Diamond
Lee Stanley
Scott Brady
William Benedict
Michael Masters
Ford Rainey
Aron Kincaid
Paul Langton
Marlene Clark
Jerry Ayres
Susan Howard
Robert Specht
Original Language: