The film tells the life story of the famous Russian scientist, researcher, traveler and pioneer Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay. The film shows the most interesting moments from the life of a scientist and his travels. Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay was the first to land in New Guinea, getting acquainted with the aborigines, their customs. Among the natives of New Guinea, Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay lives for several years. The scientist also falls in love with the daughter of the Vice President of Australia, the film shows the relationship between Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay and his lover.
Yuriy Solomin
Lyudmila Titova
Vsevolod Safonov
Emmanuil Vitorgan
Evgeniy Samoylov
Aleksandr Goloborodko
Boris Ivanov
Oleg Kutsenko
Nikolay Vereshchenko
Pyotr Skladchikov
Elena Antonova
Viktor Bortsov
Valentina Korotayeva
Viktor Bunakov
Aleksandr Klyukvin
Svetlana Shershneva
Marina Evteeva
Aleksandr Kaluzhskiy
Viktor Lazarev
Andrey Manke
Dmitri Nazarov
Darya Solomina
Rufina Nifontova
Igor Gorbachyov
Yevgeni Vesnik
Vladimir Kenigson
Aleksandr Vokach
Vyacheslav Yezepov
Aleftina Evdokimova
Lev Zolotukhin
Ermengeld Konovalov
Dmitri Pisarenko
Pavel Kashlakov
Vladimir Portnov
Nikolai Fyodortsov
Aleksandr Slastin
Galina Galtseva
Kirill Dyomin
Nikolay Dupak
Aleksey Kudinovich
M. Merabov
Dmitriy Rymarev
Varvara Soshalskaya
Leonid Krast
Original Language: