Tanods is a hilarious comedy that follows a band of misfit barangay tanods led by their “Bayaw” of a Brgy. Captain Roger Grace (Jun Sabayton). From the brilliant cast, to the stellar writing and well- developed characters—down to the equally amazing guest stars (including Ramon Bautista, "ehem" Bogart the Explorer, Lia Cruz, Joyce Pring, and Mr. Joey de Leon among others), the team-up of Director Miko Livelo and Executive Producer Jako de Leon, as well as the partnership between the groups involved (PunchKick, PaperbugTV, The Playground) makes Tanods a testament to the idea that creative collaborations can generate great things."
Jun Sabayton
Martin Escudero
Bea Benedicto
Ina Raymundo
Jinri Park
Gilbert Orcine
Herald Chavez
Isko Salvador
Brian Wilson
Gerhard Acao
Returning Series
Original Language: