In the Heat of the Night is an American television series based on the motion picture and novel of the same name starring Carroll O'Connor as the white police chief William Gillespie, and Howard Rollins as the African-American police detective Virgil Tibbs. It was broadcast on NBC from 1988 until 1992, and then on CBS until 1995. Its executive producers were Fred Silverman, Juanita Bartlett and Carroll O'Connor. TGG Direct released the first season of the series to DVD on August 28, 2012.
Carroll O'Connor
Alan Autry
David Hart
Hugh O'Connor
Howard Rollins
Anne-Marie Johnson
Geoffrey Thorne
Crystal R. Fox
Denise Nicholas
Carl Weathers
Lois Nettleton
Afemo Omilami
Christian LeBlanc
Burgess Meredith
Franklin Cover
Bruce Kirby
Terry Hobbs
James Williamson
Jennifer Bassey
Kevin McCarthy
Lisa Guerrero
Larry Gelman
Ronnie Claire Edwards
Christina Pickles
Temi Epstein
Tippi Hedren
James Best
Katherine Cannon
Robert Donner
Rosemary Murphy
Willie Gault
RonReaco Lee
Anne Meara
Sherilyn Wolter
Edward Albert
Jason Wingreen
Doug Savant
Robert Colbert
Katherine Moffat
Josh Lucas
Mills Watson
Mark Lenard
Stocker Fontelieu
Michael Edwards
Thedra Porter
Hunter von Leer
Heather Binion
Ronald Boone
Will Bledsoe
Michael McClendon
Cynthia Windham
Steve Kanaly
Mitchell Anderson
Logan Ramsey
Roberts Blossom
Raymond Forchion
John Diehl
Jerry Stiller
Earl Holliman
Elizabeth Ashley
Sam Anderson
Polly W. LePorte
Melissa Young
Wallace Merck
Dan Biggers
Punky Leonard
Derek Pruitt
Johnta Austin
Linda Rozakis
Thomas Merdis
Dee Shaw
Harvey E. Lee Jr.
Barbara Lee-Belmonte
LaRue Stanley
Amy Bush
Joan Glover
Paige Trewhitt
Joyce Forgoston
Sharron Cain
C.C. Taylor
Derek Smith
Robert Goulet
James Lee Barrett
Original Language: