This series follows people who work diligently at Incheon International Airport. Lee Soo Yeon graduated from prestigious KAIST. He begins work at Incheon International Airport and gives himself a goal of six months to get used to working there. Lee Soo-Yeon is a mysterious man who keeps people at a distance. There, he meets Han Yeo Reum. She is a new employee in the passenger service team. She wants to be a perfectionist, but her reality is a little different. She makes a lot of mistakes.
Lee Je-hoon
Chae Soo-bin
Lee Dong-gun
Kim Ji-soo
Kim Kyung-nam
Lee Soo-kyung
Ahn Sang-woo
Jang Hyun-sung
Lee Sung-wook
Jeong Jae-seong
Hong Ji-min
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Ha Ji-eun
Kim Jun-won
Park Hyeok-kwon
Choi Won-young
Kim Ha-yeon
Kim Dae-gun
Lee Hyun-kyun
Bret Allan Lindquist
Kim Woo Jin
Noreen Joyce Guerra
Lee Won Hee
Cha Seung-yeon
Mi Ram
Jin Si-won
Lee Yong Joon
Kim Sang-wook
Bae Eun-woo
Jeon Soo Yeon
Lee Seul-ah
Ahn Chang-hwan
Lee Su-ryeon
Kim Yeo-jin
Ejay Falcon
Lauren Young
Im Won-hee
Bae Noo-ri
Park Seo-yeon
Park Myung-shin
Moon Hak-jin
Yoon Sa-bong
Suh Dong-hyun
Kim Yoon-joo
Joey Albright
Joo Byeong-ha
Yun Ji-on
Kim Mi-hye
Jang Hae-min
Oh Tae-eun
Kang Eun-kyung
Original Language: