Magdusa Ka or Misery is a Filipino drama series created by Pablo S. Gomez, developed by Aloy Adlawan and produced by GMA Network, as the eight production of Sine Novela. It headlined Katrina Halili, Dennis Trillo and Iwa Moto as the lead characters and directed by Maryo J. de los Reyes. It is a television adaptation of a popular 1986 Filipino movie of the same title. The series nominated for the 37th International Emmy Awards for Best Telenovela. The series premiered on May 12, 2008 and concluded on August 29, 2008. From December 3, 2008 until March 23, 2009, it was aired worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. From February 18, 2013 to June 7, 2013 GMA Life TV airs its English-dubbed version worldwide.
Katrina Halili
Dennis Trillo
Iwa Moto
Rita Avila
Gardo Versoza
Liza Lorena
Jackie Lou Blanco
Ana Capri
Gabby Eigenmann
Rich Asuncion
Prince Stefan
Luz Valdez
Pablo S. Gomez
Original Language: