The story revolves around Yuki Kurihara, a girl who has finally been granted her wish of dating her crush Momo. At first glance, she just looks like a normal but very cute girl. However, she is in fact a maniac over Momo, taking notes of his activities and never missing the chance to see him in a cute moment. Momo, on the other hand, is inexperienced in love, and just wants to make Yuki happy.
Ai Kakuma
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Reina Takeshita
Kensho Ono
Naomi Ohzora
Rena Maeda
Sayaka Nakaya
Takuma Nagatsuka
Yasuaki Takumi
Yoshitaka Yamaya
Asuna Tomari
Azumi Waki
Yuna Yoshino
Anzu Haruno
Daisuke Motohashi
Hiyori Nitta
Ikuji Nose
Kaede Hondo
Kanehira Yamamoto
Kohei Amasaki
Masashi Nogawa
Minami Shinoda
Nana Inoue
Naoko Komatsu
Natsumi Fujiwara
Risae Matsuda
Sayaka Ohara
Serena Atou
Taichi Ichikawa
Tomo Muranaka
Tomoko Tsuzuki
Yukiyo Fujii
Original Language: