Celebrity Name Game is an American syndicated game show which premiered on September 22, 2014. Based on the board game Identity Crisis (created by Laura Robinson and Richard Gerrits), the series was developed by Courteney Cox and David Arquette's Coquette Productions, and was originally pitched as a primetime series for CBS with Craig Ferguson as host. The series was later picked up by FremantleMedia and Debmar-Mercury as a syndicated series for 2014 with Ferguson, who left The Late Late Show on December 19, 2014, remaining as host as well as an executive producer. The series marks Coquette's first foray into game shows. The show was subsequently renewed for a second season, which premiered on September 21, 2015.
Craig Ferguson
Vivica A. Fox
Tom Arnold
David Arquette
Will Sasso
Courteney Cox
Sherri Shepherd
Mel B
Sheryl Crow
Billy Gardell
Luke Perry
Kathy Najimy
Kate Flannery
Dave Foley
Scott Wolf
Yvette Nicole Brown
Nia Vardalos
Cat Deeley
Constance Zimmer
Joely Fisher
Cheri Oteri
Nev Schulman
Jenna Ushkowitz
Lisa Kudrow
Mario López
Kathryn Hahn
Sara Rue
Karina Smirnoff
David Alan Grier
Michael Ealy
Jesse Williams
Jonathan Mangum
Wayne Brady
Mena Suvari
Josh Hopkins
Darren Criss
Nicole Sullivan
Dan Bucatinsky
Jim O'Heir
Peter Facinelli
Kevin McHale
Tony Hale
Jane Leeves
Rocco DiSpirito
Ana Gasteyer
Jerry Springer
Holly Robinson Peete
Chris Kattan
Ross Mathews
Jamie-Lynn Sigler
Cameron Mathison
Angela Kinsey
Constance Marie
Margaret Cho
DJ Qualls
Teri Polo
Cheryl Burke
Tiffani Thiessen
Katy Mixon
Emmanuelle Chriqui
Sheryl Underwood
Megyn Price
Busy Philipps
Stacey Dash
Steve Wilkos
Aisha Tyler
Kevin Nealon
Tom Bergeron
Jennie Garth
Ian Gomez
Lisa Lampanelli
Molly Sims
Bianca Kajlich
Marilu Henner
Carson Kressley
Joey Lawrence
Melanie Lynskey
Ian Ziering
Original Language: