Slovensko hľadá SuperStar is a casting television show based on the popular British show Pop Idol. The show is a contest to determine the best young singer in Slovakia and is shown by the national TV network STV from season 1 & 2. Season 3 was broadcast by privat TV-channel Markíza. All seasons of Slovensko hľadá SuperStar had 4 audition cities to find the best new talent in all of Slovakia, including: Košice, Banská Bystrica, Žilina finally finishing in Bratislava.
Adela Banášová
Martin Rausch
Pavol Habera
Laco Lučenič
Július Viršík
Lenka Slaná
Katka Koščová
Martina Schindlerová
Tomáš Bezdeda
Zdenka Predná
Róbert Mikla
Miro Jaroš
Samuel Tomeček
Peter Konček
Petra Humeňanská
Adam Ďurica
Jana Čonková
Returning Series
Original Language: