The series revolves around a single bachelor (deemed eligible) and a pool of romantic interests, which could include a potential wife for the bachelor. The conflicts in the series, both internal and external, stem from the elimination-style format of the show. Early in the season, the bachelor goes on large group dates with the women, with the majority of women eliminated during rose ceremonies. As the season progresses, women are also eliminated on one-on-one dates and on elimination two-on-one dates. The process culminates with hometown visits to the families of the final few women, overnight dates, should they choose to accept, at exotic locations with the final three women, and interaction with the bachelor's family with the final two women. In many cases, the bachelor proposes to his final selection.
Osher Günsberg
Matt Agnew
Chelsie McLeod
Emma Roche
Elly Miles
Kristen Czyszek
Sogand Mohtat
Mary Viturino
Nichole Wood
Nikki Ferris
Rachael Arahill
Cassandra Mamone
Brianna Ferrante
Monique Morley
Vakoo Kauapirura
Isabelle Davies
Jessica Brody
Jessie Fredriksen
Renee Barrett
Danush Deravi
Georgina Powell
Hannah Chapman
Sam Royce
Tara Norman
Tash Dowell
Keely Spedding
Sophie Oddo
Nick Cummins
Sophie Tieman
Brooke Blurton
Cassandra "Cass" Wood
Dasha Gaivoronski
Emily Dibden
Jamie-Lee Dayz
Tenille Favios
Deanna Salvemini
Alisha Aitken-Radburn
Brittney Weldon
Cat Henesey-Smith
Ashlea Harvey
Rhiannon Doherty
Vanessa Sunshine
Blair Thomas
Aleksandra Sekuloska
Steph Crothers
Cayla Tudehope
Christina Karklis
Kayla Gray
Juliana Bahr-Thomson
Renee Cuzens
Autumn Jay-Ly
Susie McDougall
Urszula Mosijewski
Laura Byrne
Abbie Chatfield
Julia Hyde
Brittany Hockley
Shannon Baff
Romy Poulier
Matthew David Johnson
Irena Srbinovska
Bella Varelis
Bec Cvilikas
Izzy Sharman-Firth
Kaitlyn Hoppe
Juliette Herrera
Maddy Carver
Roxi Kenny
Nicole Campbell
Bel Colwell
Areeba Emmanuel
Charley Bond
Gemma White
Laura Calleri
Marg Zogoulas
Kristina Abramoff
Rosemary Sawtell
Clare Lange
Zoe-Clare McDonald
Georgie Glass
Leilani Vakaahi
Marlaina McPhillips
Nadine Kodsi
Paige Royal
Locklan "Locky" Gilbert
Steph Harper
Tim Robards
Anna Heinrich
Returning Series
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