Ultimate Rush is a 2011/2012 documentary television series produced by the Red Bull Media House in association with Matchstick Productions, and marketed as a combination of stupendous action sports endeavour, coupled with a cinematic-approach to storytelling. Through its wide distribution in the United States, the UK, Brazil, Denmark, Austria and other territories, the series is evidence of the acceptance of extreme sports into mainstream television, and one of the most complete accounts thereof. The series focuses on the outrageous exploits of some of the best athletes in the world, and how they explore the fine line between extreme sports, philosophy and art. Most of the filming was conducted in the rugged backcountry of British Columbia, Alaska, the Rocky Mountains, the French Alps, the Himalayas and the Andes, but not at official events or secured sites.
Sean Phillips
Alex Honnold
Jason Pickles
Sean Leary
Leo Houlding
Harry Berger
Roman Weiss
Dean Potter
Simone Moro
Cory Richards
Denis Urubko
Cedar Wright
James Pearson
Mark Synnott
Renan Öztürk
Matt Segal
Daniel Woods
Steph Davis
Mario Richard
Markus Pucher
Michael Kemeter
Returning Series
Original Language: