In the fictional town of Mahoro on the outskirts of Tokyo is Tada Benriken, a small business which does odd jobs. Its owner is the solemn and level-headed Tada Keisuke, and his unexpected guest, the easygoing but vague Gyoten Haruhiko, a former junior high school classmate who showed up one day and started to sponge on him. The two of them get on like oil and water, and yet are somehow inseparable. They receive queer, dubious incoming odd job requests which they accept, and what comes into view are the friendship between them as well as the backgrounds of their clients.
Eita Nagayama
Ryuhei Matsuda
Masaki Miura
Makiko Watanabe
Nao Ômori
Yuiko Kariya
Maika Yamamoto
Kengo Kora
Yoko Maki
Hiroshi Yamamoto
Yûsuke Takita
Toshiya Nagasawa
Maki Sakai
Takashi Ukaji
Shinya Natsume
Yukiko Shinohara
Yuki Kazamatsuri
Yukie Kawamura
Toru Nomaguchi
Bokuzo Masana
Hisako Ôkata
Akaji Maro
Hirofumi Arai
Asami Usuda
Emiri Kai
Kenso Kato
Kiyohiko Shibukawa
Suzuki Matsuo
Ittoku Kishibe
Haru Kuroki
Ai Takabe
Akio Nakadai
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