Diane, a young woman growing up in Australia in the mid 1960s, walks away from her fiancé to join a convent after being sure she has a calling to the faith. The Catholic Church and its followers are struggling with huge changes. The Pope has died, there is war in Vietnam and mandatory conscription, there is the Vatican controversy on abortion and contraception, and the changing face of the Church as a whole. Told in six parts, Diane faces her own demons and has to finally decide if she can teach what the Church preaches, or if it's simply impossible for her to reconcile all the contradictions of the faith and uphold her vow of obedience.
Brenda Fricker
Sandy Gore
Josephine Byrnes
Lisa Hensley
Beth Champion
Joy Hruby
Connie Hobbs
Michelle Pettigrove
Ann Fay
Irene Rowland
Naomi Watts
Kym Wilson
Melissa Thomas
Kirsty McGregor
Vanessa Collier
Rhys McConnochie
Penny Stehli
Caroline Gillmer
Leo Taylor
Pippa Grandison
Harold Hopkins
John Frawley
Genevieve Mooy
Mary-Ann Henshaw
Pat Bishop
Christine Degeuron
Brian Rooney
Gian Clancey
Dimity Clancey
Louise Pajo
Paul Williams
Frank Gallacher
Bianca Sulkowicz
Peter Braunstein
Hazel Phillips
Deborah Hanley
Antonia Murphy
Barry Langrishe
John Stone
Liberty Lee
Tatham Lennox
Ted Baker
Phillip Moffatt
Anne Tenney
Philip Quast
Rob Steele
Syd Conabere
James Klein
Caroline Olds
David Whitten
Stephen Leeder
Damon Herriman
Adrian Lee
Scott Lowe
Kristen Minichbauer
Josh Picker
Christen Cornell
Russell Crowe
Stuart Finch
Russell Newman
Keith Holloway
Haydon Samuels
Michael Winchester
Craig Black
Nic Gazzana
Rose Frasca
Salvatore Coco
Barbara Corapi
Tracey Tainsh
Ned Manning
Peter Loncar
Timothy Dufore
David Hoey
Antonio Mirabito
Andrew Farrugia
Petrina Warlow
Simon Burke
Michael Craig
Melissa Jaffer
Penny Chapman
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