The Mothers-in-Law is an American sitcom starring Eve Arden and Kaye Ballard as two matriarchs who were friends and next-door neighbors whose children's elopement rendered them in-laws. The show aired on NBC from September 1967 to April 1969. Produced by Desi Arnaz, the series was created by Bob Carroll, Jr., and Madelyn Davis.
Eve Arden
Kaye Ballard
Herbert Rudley
Deborah Walley
Jerry Fogel
Roger C. Carmel
Richard Deacon
Desi Arnaz
Paul Napier
Jim Begg
Vanda Barra
Judy Franklin
Florence MacMichael
Bruce Kirby
Joe Besser
Herb Voland
John Myhers
Pepin Betancourt
Stafford Repp
Judy Howard
Desi Arnaz Jr.
Jerry Hausner
Shirley Mitchell
Harry Hickox
June Whitley Taylor
Benny Rubin
Jeanette Nolan
Del Moore
Larry Storch
Peter Whitney
Carl Reindel
Bart Greene
Lou Krugman
Larry Bishop
Jan Hirsch
David Galligan
Rick Bentley
Rob Reiner
Paula Bowser
Percy Helton
Emlen Davies
Robert Anderson
Jay Novello
Alan Reed
Roger Ewing
Adrienne Hayes
Herb Edelman
Bobs Watson
Adam Keefe
Benjie Bancroft
Gary C. Smith
Lee Millar
Larry Mancine
Miguel Landa
Patricia Stich
Brooks West
Jerome Cowan
Donna Loren
Jimmy Boyd
Herb Vigran
Jeff Donnell
Romo Vincent
Beverly Garland
Sky Saxon
Jan Savage
Daryl Hooper
Rick Andridge
William Lanteau
Jan Allyson
Paul Lynde
Doris Packer
Barbara Morrison
Joseph Mell
John Byner
Jerry Pyne
Stephanie Adamick
Frank Inn
Mel Blanc
Ozzie Nelson
Avery Schreiber
Flip Mark
Scoey Mitchell
Skip Battyn
Jimmy Durante
Herbie Faye
Teri Garr
Joi Lansing
Don Rickles
Monty Margetts
Roy Stuart
Marni Nixon
Mary Jane Croft
Marjorie Bennett
Donna Hall
Mary Dean
Clare Gordon
Jeannine Wagner
Gloria Grace Prosper
Maurita Phillips
Brenda Fairaday
Bob Carroll Jr.
Madelyn Pugh
Original Language: