Judge John Deed is a British legal drama television series produced by the BBC in association with One-Eyed Dog for BBC One. It was created by G.F. Newman and stars Martin Shaw as Sir John Deed, a High Court judge who tries to seek real justice in the cases before him. It also stars Jenny Seagrove as the barrister Jo Mills, frequently the object of Deed's desire. A pilot episode was broadcast on 9 January 2001, followed by the first full series on 26 November 2001. The sixth and last series concluded on 18 January 2007. The programme then went on an indefinite break after Shaw became involved in another television programme, and he and Seagrove expressed a wish for the format of the series to change before they filmed new episodes. By 2009, the series had officially been cancelled. The six series produced make it the longest-running BBC legal drama. The factual accuracy of the series is often criticised by legal professionals and journalists; many of the decisions taken by Deed are unlikely to happen in a real court. The romanticised vision of the court system created by Newman caused a judge to issue a warning to a jury not to let the series influence their view of trials—referring to an episode where Deed flouts rules when called up for jury duty. Another episode led to complaints about biased and incorrect information about the MMR vaccine, leading the BBC to ban repeats of it in its original form. All six series have been released on DVD in the UK.
Louisa Clein
Jenny Seagrove
Martin Shaw
Donald Sinden
Simon Chandler
Caroline Langrishe
Fraser James
Barbara Thorn
Simon Ward
Christopher Cazenove
Jeremy Child
Joan Blackham
Christopher Benjamin
Colin McFarlane
Amita Dhiri
P.H. Moriarty
John Sessions
Jane Hazlegrove
Frank Windsor
Sheridan Morley
Joe Shaw
Brian Bovell
Juliet Aubrey
Leah Bracknell
Ken Hudson Campbell
Simone Lahbib
Annette Badland
Anthony Calf
Jemma Redgrave
Naoko Mori
Brett Fancy
Alan McKenna
Stephen Greif
Alec Newman
Neil Grainger
Shelagh McLeod
David Verrey
Waleed Elgadi
Sylvia Syms
Terence Maynard
Michael J. Jackson
Lara Cazalet
T.R. Bowen
Adrian Lukis
Mary Woodvine
Charles Dale
Leslie Ash
Tamer Hassan
Ruby Turner
Navin Chowdhry
Eamon Boland
Anthony Green
Ramon Tikaram
Nicola Cowper
Sara Powell
Michael Obiora
Stella Moray
Burt Kwouk
Charlotte Lucas
Santiago Cabrera
Marc Sinden
Samantha Womack
Colin Salmon
Lindsey Coulson
Lynsey Baxter
Anthony Higgins
Seeta Indrani
Phoebe Thomas
Adam Rickitt
Gemma Jones
Joseph McFadden
Heathcote Williams
Zienia Merton
Sam Troughton
Daniel Newman
Katy Cavanagh
Christopher Ellison
Serge Soric
Tara Moran
Malcolm Sinclair
Josie D'Arby
Roy North
Nicholas Hoult
Jade Williams
Mark Monero
Christopher Villiers
Sorcha Cusack
Peter Capaldi
Michael Fenton Stevens
Charlie Cox
Danny Sapani
Rory Kinnear
Murray Head
Vincenzo Nicoli
Saskia Wickham
Tony Marshall
Ellen Thomas
Keith Barron
Kayvan Novak
Sacha Bennett
Billie Whitelaw
Elliot Cowan
Jack Chissick
Joanna Roth
Robert Beck
Steven Elder
Jim Sturgess
Tim Matthews
Shane Spencer
Robert Cavanah
Rod Hallett
Jane How
Michael Simkins
Heshima Thompson
Kolade Agboke
Elliot Henderson-Boyle
Roger Barclay
Pinky Amador
Sylvestra Le Touzel
Abhin Galeya
Tom Magditch
Matyelok Gibbs
Tristan Gemmill
Keith Drinkel
Adrian Schiller
Anthony Valentine
Tim Downie
G.F. Newman
Original Language: