She’s Living for This is an American television comedy and variety series created by Keith Levy and Josh Rosenzweig. The show currently airs on LGBT cable network here!. The series stars drag performer Sherry Vine. The series premiered on February 24, 2012. here! produced six episodes for season one. The network announced a second season of the show to begin production in the summer 2012 for a fall 2012 premiere. In 2012 it was announced that episodes of She's Living for This would be made available on online video service Hulu.
Sherry Vine
David Ilku
Richard JMV Scheiffer
Drew Droege
Sam Pancake
Ron Morehouse
Matthew McKelligon
Dirty Martini
David Serrano
Joey Johnson
Dane Sorensen
Kayden Kross
Robynne Kamil
Tracy Von Becker
Eddie Barena
Jackie Beat
James Clark
J. Fortino
Felipe Hernandez
Isis Vermouth
Bianca Del Rio
Antyon Le Monte
J. Tyler Whitmer
Eric Harbin
Tina Burner
Justin Vivian Bond
Joey Arias
Candis Cayne
Pandora Boxx
Jeffery Roberson
Pam Ann
Lady Bunny
Jonny McGovern
Jay Roth
Kayla Stennet
Acacia Minaj Couture
Eva Duarte-Peron Destruction
Baby Jane
Neil Brown Jr.
Bridget Everett
Chris Semertsides
Francis Legge
Ricky JMV
Justin Van Pelt
Chip Cirrhosis
Kristi Wisner
Stephan Keating
Devon Snow
Dean Allen Muir
Michael Musto
Jaremi Carey
Sharon Needles
Willam Belli
Debbie Harry
Brad Loekle
Miss Guy
JP Morga
Cole James
Ms. Bombshell
Deon Ridley
Ericatoure Aviance
Original Language: