Rock Star is a television series produced by Mark Burnett in which aspiring singers from all around the world competed to become the lead singer of a featured group. It debuted on CBS on July 11, 2005, to mediocre ratings. The show was hosted by television personality and commercial spokeswoman Brooke Burke and Jane's Addiction & Red Hot Chili Peppers lead guitarist Dave Navarro. In season one Australian band INXS chose J.D. Fortune as their new lead singer. For season two, the band Rock Star Supernova chose Lukas Rossi as the lead singer of their new supergroup.
Zayra Alvarez
Josh Logan
Magni Ásgeirsson
Storm Large
Marty Casey
Ryan Star
Deanna Johnston
Heather Luttrell
Toby Rand
Tara Slone
Wil Seabrook
Ty Taylor
Suzie McNeil
Daphna Dove
Jordis Unga
Mig Ayesa
Jenny Galt
Jill Gioia
Dilana Robichaux
Jason Dean Bennison
Butch Walker
Mark Burnett
Original Language: