Project Accessory, an American reality television series, was a spin off of the series Project Runway. It began airing on Lifetime on October 28, 2011. On the show, contestants were given challenges in which they must create various fashion accessories with restrictions for materials, subject matter, and time. One or more contestants were eliminated each episode after appearing before a judging panel.
Molly Sims
Eva Jeanbart-Lorenzotti
Kenneth Cole
Ariel Foxman
Nina Cortes
Adrian Dana
David Grieco
Nicolina Royale
Rich Sandomeno
Diego Rocha
Shea Curry
Kelly Horton
James Sommerfeldt
Cotrice Addison
Brian Burkhardt
Christina Caruso
Rachel Roy
Debra Messing
Nadja Swarovski
Richard Chai
Kelly Osbourne
Rebecca Minkoff
Kara Ross
Andrea Linett
Jenna Lyons
Alexa Chung
Brian Atwood
Bill Stevens
Lorraine Schwartz
Amanda Ross
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