The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally.
Robert Grubb
Maurie Fields
Lenore Smith
Liz Burch
George Kapiniaris
Terry Gill
Beverley Dunn
Andrew McFarlane
Peter O'Brien
Rebecca Gibney
Christopher Stollery
Brett Climo
Nikki Coghill
David Reyne
Sophie Lee
Paul Kelman
Sarah Chadwick
Mark Neal
Tammy Macintosh
Marie Redshaw
Frank Ottenson
Herb Krause
Gerard Kennedy
Max Cullen
Gil Tucker
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Kylie Belling
John Frawley
Carmel Millhouse
Emma Cotching
Hannah Cotching
Justin Gaffney
Warren Owens
Melita Jurišić
Sydney Jackson
Louise Siversen
Michaela Abay
Simon Thorpe
Anita Smith
Lois Collinder
Nancy Black
Paul Young
William Binks
Nico Lathouris
Christopher Stevenson
Tracy Mann
Christine Kaman
Norman Kaye
Rosie Sturgess
Brian Mannix
Ivar Kants
Lesley Baker
John Proper
Patsy Martin
Keith Kaye
Wynn Roberts
Clive Hearne
Daniel Haritos
Graham Duckett
Gary Adams
Joy Smithers
John Clayton
Cecily Polson
Robin Dene
Ian Shrives
Paul Glen
Dimity Barber
Richard Moss
Martin Vaughan
Brenda Addie
Terry Brittingham
Elspeth Ballantyne
Graham Dow
Gary Sweet
Tom E. Lewis
Peter Hosking
Robyn Gibbes
Anne Phelan
Marty Fields
Jedda Cole
Vince Martin
Jan Friedl
Desmond Kelly
Andrea Moor
Jo Kennedy
Erik Donnison
Judith McGrath
Rian McLean
Chris Connelly
Lloyd Cunnington
Margo McLennan
Marcus Eyre
Rodney Sharp
Tommy Dysart
Christopher Mayer Plummer
Julian Branagan
Peter Moon
John Murphy
Rod Williams
John Jacobs
Doug Bennett
David Ashton
Willie Fennell
Ted Hepple
Nadine Garner
Frederick Court
John Wood
James Melchior
Steve Dodd
Shane Briant
Peter Farago
Barbara Jungwirth
Stewart Faichney
Don Barker
Jim Daly
Damon Herriman
Kole Dysart
Kevin Cotter
Jenny Seedsman
Ben Mendelsohn
Jane Menelaus
Peter Sumner
Peter Fisher
Betty Lucas
Tom Jennings
Peter Kowitz
Ray Chubb
Don Bridges
Anne Scott-Pendlebury
Alan Hopgood
Harold Baigent
Nick Waters
Vikki Blanche
Peter Cummins
Richard Neal
Alan Cassell
Louise Pajo
Mitchell Faircloth
John Flaus
Duke Bannister
Sheila Kennelly
Emil Minty
Sheryl Munks
Craig Elliott
Alan Andrews
Beverley Gardiner
Bruce Kilpatrick
Syd Conabere
Shane Connor
Alwyn Kurts
Mark Hembrow
Huw Williams
Matthew Newton
Joan Murray
Johnny Raaen
Margaret Ford
Tim Robertson
Smiley Rowe
Patricia Kennedy
Stephen Hall
Craig Sherbourne
Cameron Kavanagh
Greg Carroll
Jonathan Kernutt
Alice Garner
Bruce Myles
Tim Hughes
Danielle Spencer
Jacinta Stapleton
Monty Maizels
Zoe Bertram
Andy Anderson
Michelle Pirpinias
Sudi de Winter
Emily Mortimore
Jessica Jennings
Tim McKenzie
Charles Tingwell
David Burnett
Marion Heathfield
Tom Coltraine
Katy Brinson
Terence Donovan
Peter Black
Richard Cordner
Mike Bishop
Justine Saunders
John Polson
Bill Brunette
Yves Stening
Bob Horsfall
George Fairfax
Jeff Truman
Alex Papps
Jon English
Jacob Kino
Tina Bursill
Brandon McLean
Chloe Kimball
Caitlin Morris
Colette Mann
Peter Clarke
Daniel Bowden
Linda Rowlands
Mark Hennessy
Glennen C.C. Fahey
Wendy Madigan
Katrina Lambert
Neil Melville
Lorna Lesley
Richard Chambers
David Hall
Maija Maleckas
Robina Beard
Ed Turley
Rowena Mohr
Marina Finlay
Mark Slater
Trevor Phillips
Norman Yemm
Wade Beed
Ross Thompson
Matt Kay
George Vidalis
Ross Newton
Lindy Davies
Taya Straton
David Hawker
Sam Hopgood
John Orcsik
Judith Bourke
Rod Mullinar
Max Bruch
Beverley Phillips
Michael Thompson
Russell Newman
Jill Mancini
Peter Tabor
Sean Scully
Lynette Curran
Peter Gwynne
Gregory Fleet
Frank Gallacher
Carole Skinner
Dominic Sweeney
Ray Barrett
Val Lehman
Klaus Schulz
Niall O'Donnell
Trevor Gare
Rhonda Burchmore
Katrina Foster
Glenn Robbins
Laurie Dobson
Penny Fischer
Robert Morgan
Andrew Spence
Esme Melville
Paddy Burnet
Matt Brown
Marcus White
Allen Bickford
Carl Bleazby
Tina Arena
Jeanie Drynan
Beth Buchanan
Bronte Keddie
Ross Williams
Peta Toppano
John McTernan
Jansen Spencer
Nick Tate
Gregory Scott
Simon O'Donnell
Cash Backman
Murray Bartlett
Carmen Duncan
Jeremy Shadlow
Penny Cook
Peter Aanensen
Richard Stubbs
Michael Rowan
Jackie Woodburne
Simon Burke
Valma Pratt
Gloria Ajenstat
Elwyn Bradshaw
Mark Muggeridge
Jacqueline Barber
Ned Lander
Andrew Martin
Will Conyers
Darius Perkins
Janette Kearns
Bruce Carter
Celia Turk
Roger Oakley
Gillian Savage
Merv Williams
Michael Joshua
Jill Clayton
Jeffrey Hodgson
Leong Lim
Guy May
Ian Gilmour
Ernie Gray
Paul Wentford
Bhudda Pryor
Jack Perry
Catherine Wilkin
Stephen Comey
Kirk Alexander
Maud Clark
Kerry Mack
Robert DiPierdomenico
Vince D'Amico
Agniescka Perepeczki
Kier Saltmarsh
Kim Gyngell
James Condon
Michael Caton
Gwen Plumb
Peter Drake
Candy Raymond
Anna Crawford
Peter Harvey-Wright
Carole-Ann Aylett
Maggie Dence
John Lee
Deborra-Lee Furness
John Heywood
Michele Fawdon
Phillipa Smith
Judith Roberts
Christine Bridge
Mary-Anne Fahey
Jackie Kelleher
Amber Kilpatrick
Ralph Cotterill
Charlene Fenn
Susie Lindeman
Robin Ramsay
Diana Greentree
John Higginson
George Trotman
Stuart Conran
John O'May
Ron Falk
Lynda Stoner
Carl Price
Bob Jewell
Sydney Conabere
Fred Steele
Jim Ewing
Elizabeth Crockett
Christine Kerner
Arianthe Galani
Alexandra Fowler
Michael Becher
Simon Lodge
John Bowman
Steven Richards
Mark Lee
Kim Trengove
Sara Gatt
Jennifer Cluff
David Cameron
Lucy Clifton
Emily Abay
Gerard Matte
Gerry Duggan
Nell Johnson
Allan Stewart
David Kirkpatrick
Timothy Doutch
Vicki Luke
Bradley Kilpatrick
Warwick Tennant Moss
Miranda Otto
Jon Concannon
Tracy Grimshaw
Steven Anderson
Marion McKenzie
Melissa Lowndes
Tracey Leach
Andrew Spence
Bill Johnston
Timothy Bell
Peter Camerone
Dez Kavanagh
John Braybrook
John McKelvey
Colwyn Roberts
Helen Tripp
Sandy Gore
Bill McLorinan
Grigor Taylor
Gerard Maguire
Annie Byron
Wilkie Collins
Stephen Hutchison
William Zappa
Mark Kounnas
Sue Jones
Maxine Klibingaitis
Geoffrey Graham
Howard Bell
Elaine Smith
Danny Nash
Tim Scally
Meg Clancy
John Egan
Robert Muddyman
Paul Dawber
Louise Miller
Heather Lindhe
Bryan Marshall
Bill Medley
James Cox
Tracy Harvey
Debra Ann Smith
Paula Hudson
Kiralee Badham
Stephen Richards
Greg Glendinning
Jonas Leigh
Briony Behets
Paul Davison
Wallas Eaton
Mitch Ambrose
Linda Hartley
Chris Milne
Kim Krejus
Linda Newton
Dick Moss
John Sadler
Burt Cooper
Pei-Ling Lim
John Spicer
June Collis
Phillip Hancock
Che Broadbent
Olivia Rice
Peter Heath
Leigh Morgan
Emily Weare
Jack Mobbs
Martin Barr
Bruce Crowl
Chris McLean
Murray Shanaughan
David Murray
Andrew Ferguson
Helen Noonan
Yvetta Bentata
Jill Perryman
Kenneth Blackburn
Jane Harders
Di O'Connor
Brad Hulme
Denise Drysdale
Rachael Beck
Megan Estornicko
Melissa Estornicko
Cameron Nugent
Nicki Paull
Tiffany Lamb
Monica Maughan
Emily Simpson
Sophie Laguna
Dorothy Alison
John O'Brien
Michael Watson
Kristina Nehm
David Bonney
Robert Coleby
Julie Nihill
Alexander Kemp
Frank Bren
Terry Serio
Joss McWilliam
Colin Batrouney
Mitch Deans
Geoff Paine
Anne Kilmartin
John Brumpton
Andrew Talman
Bill Garner
Margot Knight
Scott Board
Lynne McGranger
Anna Hruby
Robert Willox
Greg Fleet
Russell Fletcher
Joel Richardson
Peter Darby
Roy Baldwin
Patricia Judah
Tee O'Neill
Frank Wilson
Marion MacKenzie
Tony Barry
Pauline Chan
Stig Wemyss
Nicholas Hammond
Banjo Clarke
Peter Browne
Dean Nicholls
Sam Cuddihy Way
Erin Richards
Katherine Fisher
Jim Holt
Charles Gilroy
Geneviève Lemon
Gary Files
Julieanne Newbould
Jeffrey Walker
Kris McQuade
Rob Steele
Orfeo Cecconato
Ray Warren
Peter Whitford
Doug Bowles
James Patrick
Lisa Armytage
Rod Densley
Nina Landis
Vincent Ball
Tom Watson
Evelyn Krape
Phyllis Burford
Sarah Downs
Stuart McGreery
John Ewart
Liddy Clark
Dennis Coard
Jonathan Hardy
Eric McCubbin
Maureen Edwards
Angela Kennedy
Simon Kay
Mary-Lou Stewart
Tom Travers
David Robson
Owen Weingott
Bindi Edwards
David Roberts
Lucy Bayler
Richard Carter
Mary Sitarenos
Pat Thomson
Johnny Quinn
Amanda Douge
Josephine Byrnes
Jamie Jackson
Jane Hall
Annie Jones
Gillian Jones
Natalie Mosco
Susan Ellis
Khym Lam
Zoe Carides
Mark McAskill
Margaret Peerman
Cory Dee
Alfred Bell
Kenneth MacLeod
Dorothy O'Neill
Howard Stanley
Peter Flett
Caetlyn Armstrong
Helen O'Connor
Karen Tuczinski
Edward Hepple
Brian Hannan
Finn Greentree Keane
Samuel Hammington
John Gregg
Tony Rickards
George Whaley
Callie Gray
Suzi Dougherty
Alethea McGrath
Noel Trevarthen
Diane Craig
John Paramor
Vincent Crowley
Brad Lindsay
Charmaine Gorman
David Gray
Paul Cronin
Linda McConchie
David Franklin
Adrian Lee
Loene Carmen
Shani Kassis
Gary Foley
Mimi Cole
Peter Crossley
Roberto Micale
Bob Baines
Kate Ingram
Brendan Peel
Jane Clifton
Melanie Beddie
Marcus Graham
Tom Richards
Phillip Holder
Pat Bishop
Gregory Parker
Marco Chiappi
James Blundell
Olga Dickie
Lisa Taylor
Erin Rowley
Phyll Freeman
Dennis Miller
Ron Pinnell
Rebecca Frith
Matthew Crosby
Judy Johnson
Stacey Engelen
Felicity Soper
Clarissa House
Elizabeth Maywald
Robert Mammone
Shona Ford
Michael Fry
Harry Lawrence
Victoria Rowland
Mark Dignam
Corey Mackey
Tiriel Mora
Don Reid
John O'Halloran
Belinda McClory
Jon Finlayson
John Howard
Ezra Bix
Tammy McCarthy
Kimberley Jellis
Skye Brooks
Ryan Murray
Jade Hall-Kelly
Eleonora Varrenti
Charles Dance
David Hoflin
Pia Morley
Sarah Woods
Gemma Bishop
David Wicks
Frankie J. Holden
Ben Gabriel
Marijke Mann
Michael Carman
Irini Pappas
Dino Nicolosi
Lisa Hensley
Rainey Carah
Reg Evans
Max Fairchild
Daina Reid
Tim Smith
Gerard Sont
Renato Bartolomei
Fiona Maynard
Ann Young
Dale Stevens
Ailsa Piper
John Ley
Rikki Arnot
Dominique Oyston
Catherine Hill
Judy Banks
George Viskich
Margot Duell
Robert Menzies
Amy Pettifer
William McInnes
Judith Graham
Susan Yardley
Lawrence Held
Andrea Swifte
Tempany Deckert
Shane Bourne
Jane Conroy
Krystal May
Meagan Fuller
Henry Salter
Cliff Ellen
Peter Docker
Jane Norris
Kevin Summers
Janet Johnstone
Geoff Morrell
Zlatko Kasumovic
Davor Dirlic
Tahir Cambis
Jack Perry
James Herron
Chris Lyons
Brian Vriends
Mark Pegler
Simon Woodward
Helen Trenos
Alex Darton
John Mortimore
Bruce Barry
Pat Evison
Roy Edmunds
Kelvin Barnes
Delaney Unwin
Ernie Dingo
Luke Carroll
James McKenna
Edward Murray
Ritchie Singer
Colleen Hewett
Eric McKibbin
Desiree Munro
Brenda Palmer
Christopher Morsley
Phillip Parslow
Kristina Schofield
Jaqueline Boyle
Jacqueline Kott
Kris Karahisarlis
Tula Tzoras
Justin D'Orazio
Merv Hughes
Colin Moody
Sarah Peirse
Betty Bobbitt
Jane Longhurst
Brian M. Logan
Stephen Hall
Glen Torrens
Bernadette Walsh
Harry Baigent
George Mallaby
Hilary Henshaw
Laura Keneally
Wilbur Wilde
Daniel Taylor
Miki Oikawa
Akinori Matsumoto
Debra Byrne
Robin Cumming
Paul English
Tim Allen
Paul Biggs
Taylia Fletcher
Courtney Fletcher
Peter Adams
Cheryl Ballantine
Stacey Valkenburg
Alan Fletcher
Erwin Maryoto
Debbie Fraser
Iris Wise Mallia
Kiri James
Kevin Dane Barber
Barry Sorrell
Ken Bristow
Bill Young
Jennifer Jarman-Walker
Graham Harvey
Vic Gordon
Danny Adcock
David Letch
Arthur Dignam
Michael Dyson
Gus Mercurio
Glenn William
Douglas Hedge
Robert Forza
Michelle McClatchy
Andrew Beresford
Mary Canny
Peter Hathaway
Anthony Hawkins
Roderick Williams
Jill Forster
Robert Taylor
Peter Curtin
Kerreen Ely-Harper
Drew Forsythe
Anthony 'Tony' Hawkins
David James
Rebecca Rigg
Rowena Wallace
Di Smith
Original Language: