Room 222 is an American comedy-drama television series produced by 20th Century Fox Television. The series aired on ABC for 112 episodes from September 17, 1969 until January 11, 1974. The show was broadcast on Wednesday evenings at 9:00 for its first two seasons before settling into its best-remembered time slot of Friday evenings at 9:00, following The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family, and preceding The Odd Couple and Love, American Style. In 1970, Room 222 earned Emmy Awards in three categories: Outstanding New Series, Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.
Denise Nicholas
Michael Constantine
Lloyd Haynes
Karen Valentine
Judy Strangis
Ivor Francis
Tina Andrews
Eric Laneuville
Andrew Parks
Todd Susman
Bruno Kirby
Ramon Bieri
Bernie Kopell
Bruce Kirby
Ruth McDevitt
Liam Dunn
Helen Kleeb
Ed Begley Jr.
Angela Cartwright
Kevin O'Neal
John Rubinstein
Frank Campanella
Keone Young
Flip Mark
William Schallert
Brenda Sykes
Beah Richards
Kenneth Mars
Walter Brooke
Donald Moffat
Ron Rifkin
Rob Reiner
Anthony Geary
Darrell Larson
Dana Elcar
Arthur Batanides
John Schuck
Margarita Cordova
Richard Dreyfuss
Glynn Turman
Sorrell Booke
Keith Johnson
David Huddleston
Joseph V. Perry
Milton Selzer
Linda Haynes
Murray MacLeod
Roger Perry
Edith Atwater
Gerald S. O'Loughlin
Philip Carey
Christopher Cain
Eric Shea
David White
Larry Wilcox
Susan Senett
James B. Sikking
James Carroll Jordan
Ralph Meeker
Michael Warren
Michael Lembeck
Burgess Meredith
Gail Fisher
Jerry Houser
Jay Robinson
Fritz Weaver
Paulene Myers
Georg Stanford Brown
Joe Renteria
Arthur O'Connell
Candy Clark
Jim Poyner
Woodrow Parfrey
Joe Santos
Paul Picerni
James Daughton
Dabney Coleman
Barry Livingston
Randall Carver
Paul Comi
Audrey Landers
Stanley Livingston
Bob Balaban
Bobby Todd
Diane Sommerfield
Charmion King
Rick Moses
Wes Stern
Naomi Stevens
Tim Matheson
Danny Goldman
Dennis Redfield
Phillip Pine
Gino Conforti
Paul Lambert
Kurt Russell
Nan Martin
Mark Hamill
Kevin Brodie
Layne Britton
Jack Dodson
Ben Cooper
Gary Morgan
Harry Lauter
Richard Hatch
Bob Hastings
Frank Maxwell
Patsy Garrett
Ann Morgan Guilbert
Irene Tedrow
Jason Wingreen
Craig Huxley
Bill Quinn
Richard Young
Lloyd Kino
John Ashley Hamilton
Lynn Hamilton
Harry Caesar
James L. Brooks
Original Language: