Takako Meguro, a typical office worker known to her friends as Medaka, starts a new career as a night school teacher when her company restructures. At first, she's not so crazy about her new job and gets by with a minimum of effort. But as she continues, she finds out it's quite a challenge after all. Her students range from a high school dropout to a salaried worker, and also include a self-employed fellow, and a cabaret hostess, in short, a motley crew! What's more, half of them are older than her and, to make matters worse, one of them is a elementary school classmate. But a certain turn of events results in Medaka's becoming a really dedicated teacher! Although she's surprised herself at this change of character, her trials are just about to begin.
Taizo Harada
Eita Nagayama
Risa Sudou
Taro Yamamoto
Akiko Kinouchi
Yuta Hiraoka
Meisa Kuroki
Shigeru Izumiya
Shigenori Yamazaki
Yoshie Ichige
Fumiyo Kohinata
Yuko Asano
Ryūzō Hayashi
Original Language: