Working Class is an American television sitcom created by Jill Cargerman, which premiered on CMT on January 28, 2011. The network ordered twelve episodes for the comedy, which is the first scripted series for the network. On April 11, 2011, CMT cancelled Working Class after only one season due to low ratings.
Melissa Peterman
Steve Kazee
Patrick Fabian
Lachlan Buchanan
Courtney Merritt
Cameron Castaneda
Ed Asner
Courtney Henggeler
Adam Mayfield
Reba McEntire
John Schneider
Max Ehrich
Benjamin King
Ryan Stiles
Katie Cleary
Kelli Dawn Hancock
Kathy Kinney
Heather Sossaman
Nick Steele
Joy Sudduth
Bellamy Young
Parker Harris
Kristi Lauren
Robin Krieger
Alex Enriquez
Susanna Harter
Anne Marie Howard
Melanie Hutsell
David Thomas Jenkins
Raymond Ochoa
Dale Waddington
Lesley Ann Warren
Evan Farmer
Mandy Fabian
Sean Conroy
Brandon Molale
Joel Spence
Ben Campbell
David Faustino
Senta Moses
Jean Carol
Martin Mull
Leslie Gilliam
Jane Park Smith
Original Language: