The show documents each of the Presidents in the union, starting with George Washington, following a chronological order up until George W. Bush. Each President's segment begins with the narrator giving a brief dossier about each one, from their political affiliation, family, and notable traits. The show then highlights the history behind each presidency, linking each one to the following.
Edward Herrmann
Richard Brookhiser
William M. Fowler Jr.
James M. McPherson
Eric Foner
H.W. Brands
Annette Gordon-Reed
Carol Berkin
James Rees
Marvin Kitman
Daniel Walker Howe
Harry Watson
Thomas Y. Cartwright
John Seigenthaler
Sam W. Haynes
Michael Nelson
Catherine Clinton
Jean H. Baker
Peter A. Wallner
Samuel C. Slaymaker
Harold Holzer
Thomas J. Dilorenzo
Paul Bergeron
Hans L. Trefousse
Zachary Karabell
Roy Morris Jr.
Tom Culbertson
Roger McGrath
Ken Ackerman
Charles Calhoun
James Chace
Hugh Sidey
James A. Baker
Jimmy Carter
Edith Mayo
Kitty Kelley
Gerald Ford
Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Hồ Chí Minh
Craig Haffner
Original Language: