Street Hawk is an American television series that aired for 13 episodes on ABC in 1985. The series is a Limekiln and Templar Production in association with Universal Television. Its central characters were created by Paul M. Belous and Robert "Bob" Wolterstorff, and its core format was developed by Bruce Lansbury, who had initially commissioned the program's creation. This series was originally planned for the fall of 1984, Mondays at 8:00PM Eastern/7:00PM Central. However, ABC executives changed their minds when the summer series Call to Glory did well, and Street Hawk was pushed to mid-season. Street Hawk made its debut on January 4, 1985 on ABC at 9:00PM Eastern/8:00PM Central and ran until May 16, 1985. Reruns aired on the USA Network on Saturdays at 10:00AM from 1990-91.
Rex Smith
Joe Regalbuto
Richard Venture
Jeannie Wilson
Ernie Anderson
Raymond Singer
Momo Yashima
Paul Eiding
Christopher Lloyd
George Clooney
Belinda Montgomery
M.C. Gainey
Charles Napier
Keye Luke
Earl Boen
James Whitmore Jr.
John Aprea
Lawrence Pressman
Robert Costanzo
Jayne Modean
Robert Beltran
Doug Cox
John Carter
Sam Vlahos
Janet Winter
R.J. Adams
Richard Epcar
David Whitfield
Joe Marmo
Randy Polk
Brian Thompson
Robert Lipton
John Wesley
Sal Landi
Marco Rodríguez
James Walsh
Jason Corbett
Larry Margo
Jim McKrell
Sybil Danning
Christopher Thomas
Christie Houser
Stephen Liska
Robert Miranda
Leslie Bevis
Gregory Itzin
Jay Fenichel
Barry Berman
Hal Havins
Bill Capizzi
Edward Bell
Rebecca Perle
Teri Hayden
Clay Williams
Marjoe Gortner
Milt Oberman
Michael Horsley
Robert Dryer
Bernard White
Nicholas Worth
Paul Tuerpe
Jim Boeke
David Wells
Britt Helfer
Stuart MacGregor
Daphne Ashbrook
Charles Lampkin
Lee Ving
Kai Wulff
Michael MacRae
Barrie Ingham
Kristen Meadows
Tige Andrews
Clu Gulager
Jere Burns
Hank Brandt
Mayf Nutter
Bianca Jagger
Greta Blackburn
Morgan Lofting
Conrad Bachmann
Wayne Powers
Nancy Linari
Lee Ryan
Janeen Ellen Weiss
Robert L. Gibson
Arell Blanton
Jack Diamond
Sam Ingraffia
Joanna Kerns
George McDaniel
Tammy Brewer
Lisa Coppenolle
Richard Kuhlman
John DiSanti
Don Hood
Donald V. Allen
Rebecca Wood
Vaughn Tyree Jelks
Steve Edwards
Barbara Stock
Jeff Pomerantz
Bibi Besch
Walker Edmiston
Tom Simcox
James Oliver
Frank Lugo
Jourdan Fremin
Ann Turkel
Marc Alaimo
Paul Rossilli
Dennis Franz
David Olivier
Tom Everett
Naomi Serotoff
Tyde Kierney
Sandy Lipton
Bert Rosario
James Emery
Phil Rubenstein
Harry Northup
Don Swayze
Gammy Singer
Catherine Parks
Benjamin Jurano
Robert Carnegie
Aleana Downs
Bruce Lansbury
Paul M. Belous
Robert Wolterstorff
Original Language: