Mega Mindy is a Flemish children's supernatural/superhero drama airing on Ketnet in Belgium. The series was created by Studio 100. It revolves around Mieke, a girl who lives with her grandparents and works as a police officer but also has a secret identity as superhero Mega Mindy. She tries to keep it a secret, but falls in love with Toby who also works at the police. He is in love with Mega Mindy and doesn't know that Mieke secretly likes him and is actually Mega Mindy. She tries to find a way to balance between work and being a superhero, but it isn't always easy. Every episode has a new mystery that Mieke has to solve and one or more badguys who Mega Mindy takes down. Mieke's not-so-smart boss always tries to solve the case, but Mega Mindy usually ends up with the solution, which he doesn't appreciate. He does manage to claim responsibility for capturing a bad guy on several occasions because Mega Mindy can't reveal herself.
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Louis Talpe
Fred Van Kuyk
Nicky Langley
Matthias Temmermans
Anton Cogen
Sjarel Branckaerts
Aimé Anthoni
Daisy Thys
Peter Van Asbroeck
Peter Michel
Stefan Verbraekel
Bob Van der Veken
Paul Schrijvers
Ellen Scholtens
Dave Nauwelaerts
Lander Smekens
Sven Duym
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