This spooky anthology series for kids recounts ghost stories told by the young members of the Midnight Society as they gather around a campfire. Each episode opens with members of the Midnight Society at their secret spot in the woods, where they prepare their fire and the night's storyteller announces the title of the his or her offering. However, the cameras soon leave the storyteller and switch to the tale being told.
Ross Hull
Raine Pare-Coull
Jodie Resther
Daniel DeSanto
Jason Alisharan
JoAnna Garcia Swisher
Elisha Cuthbert
Rachel Blanchard
David Deveau
Nathaniel Moreau
Vanessa Lengies
Kareem Blackwell
Jacob Tierney
Codie Lucas Wilbee
Tod Fennell
Aron Tager
Jay Baruchel
Bill Rowat
Emily VanCamp
Shawn Potter
Dominic Zamprogna
Laura Bertram
Ryan Cooley
Arthur Holden
Emily Hampshire
Kathleen Fee
Anik Matern
Mark Camacho
Michael Yarmush
Amanda Walsh
Jesse Moss
A. J. Henderson
Emma Taylor-Isherwood
Andrew W. Walker
Tamar Kozlov
Jonathan Koensgen
Jewel Staite
Sarah Edmondson
Charles S. Dutton
Kyle Downes
Tom Rack
Martin Neufeld
Gilbert Gottfried
Andrew Sardella
Marcel Jeannin
Tedd Dillon
Christian Tessier
Aaron Ashmore
Christopher Heyerdahl
Jane Wheeler
Richard Dumont
Bobcat Goldthwait
Chris Nash
Katie Griffin
Pablo Coffey
Mia Kirshner
Eugene Byrd
Jennifer Irwin
Ellen David
Aimée Castle
Jamie Elman
Melissa Altro
Tia Mowry
Ethan Tobman
Colin Fox
Michael Caloz
Amos Crawley
Eric Fink
Myles Ferguson
Cara Pifko
Nicole Lyn
Tyler Labine
Hayden Christensen
Jonathan Stark
Tyler Hynes
Charlotte Sullivan
Michelle Duncan
Daniel Clark
Laura Vandervoort
Tyrone Benskin
Asia Vieira
Jean LeClerc
Justin Bradley
Ilona Elkin
Fab Filippo
Danny Cooksey
Rachel Wilson
Natalie Radford
Neve Campbell
Frank Gorshin
Stuart Stone
Eddie Kaye Thomas
Melissa Joan Hart
Brian Dooley
Tamera Mowry-Housley
Christopher Castile
Colin Ferguson
Chuck Campbell
Joel S. Keller
Jayne Heitmeyer
A.J. Buckley
Polly Shannon
Jorgito Vargas Jr.
Sarah Gadon
Michael Rudder
Brooke Nevin
Edward Yankie
Ricky Mabe
Tyler Kyte
Tara Lipinski
Martin Doyle
Tatyana Ali
Lynne Adams
Tegan Moss
Lexi Randall
Michael Greyeyes
Gregory Smith
Kaj-Erik Eriksen
Mandy Schaffer
Cas Anvar
Alan Legros
Kathryn Long
James Sherry
Susan Glover
Dawn Ford
Emmanuelle Chriqui
Beki Lantos
Jason Tremblay
Sean Ryan
Brian Dooley
Ian MacDonald
Philip Eddolls
Richard McMillan
Lois Arkwright
Katherine Giaquinto
Noah Godfrey
Johnny Morina
Paul Hopkins
Paul Stewart
Suzanna Shebib
Carl Alacchi
Françoise Robertson
Griffith Brewer
Tony Sampson
Charlie Hofheimer
Luis de Cespedes
Ryan Gosling
Matthew Lemche
Pauline Little
Barbara Eve Harris
Leni Parker
Aaron A. McConnaughey
Illya Woloshyn
Andrea Nemeth
D.J. MacHale
Ned Kandel
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