David Burkinson, in a bid for a quick cash grab, assembles a ghost-hunting crew with the inexperienced Clover and Tom Cruz. However, they soon discover that producing a ghost-hunting show is far from easy. Instead of encountering ghosts, they find themselves dealing with a bizarre array of clients, ranging from high school students to potential murderers and everything in between.
Melissa Shoshahi
Jackson McQueen
Will Thomas McFadden
Gray Fagan
Preston Garcia
Megan Guthrie
Mitsy Sanderson
Blake Rosier
Daniel M. Greer
Dallas Mata
Peyton Hodges
Ian Ireland
Lonnie Marts III
Evan Alberto
Matt Frietze
Devin Fromer
Ryan Leader
Matt Larson
Genevieve Lerner
Vinny Fasline
Andrew Bond
Alana Pawlowski
Faith Saporito
April Holmes
Kimberley- Kim
Kaelah Nicole
Rob Shuster
Preston Garcia
Returning Series
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