Boon is a British television drama and modern-day western series starring Michael Elphick, David Daker, and later Neil Morrissey. It was created by Jim Hill and Bill Stair and filmed by Central Television for ITV. It revolved around the life of a modern-day Lone Ranger and ex-firefighter, Ken Boon.
Michael Elphick
David Daker
Neil Morrissey
Elizabeth Carling
Amanda Burton
Saskia Wickham
Rachel Davies
John Taylor
Gordon Warnecke
Danny Webb
Mark Billingham
John Sessions
Tracie Bennett
Stephen Rea
Caroline Langrishe
Clive Owen
Shirin Taylor
Warren Clarke
John Forgeham
Muriel Pavlow
Geoffrey Hinsliff
Tony Doyle
Brigit Forsyth
Anthony Stewart Head
Philip Whitchurch
Lynsey Baxter
Richard Griffiths
Gregor Fisher
Martin Clunes
Terence Harvey
Maurice Denham
Returning Series
Original Language: