The Great Nerf War is a web series created by SaulsburyStStudios, premering in 2011. The premise of the series features an Alternate Universe Civil War between the Peace-Bull and the Belligerwitch, where the primary weapons used are Nerf guns. The series has a serious outlook, but it has a fair amount of funny moments from both factions.
Austin Hill
Michael Blickley
Adam Aragon
Clayton Nickell
Tyler Nickell
Daniel Peters
Austin Aragon
Michael Bilker
Mandy Cervera Sohns
Eli Stewart
Sam Nicoletti
Lucas Bareis-Golumb
Kimberlee Eddy
Daniel Moen
Nicole Giordano
Darrin Martin
Erika Kae
Cody Sanford
Tim Campbell
Nick Schmid
Stephen Mathis
Hannah Palmer
Lizzi Bennett
Garrett Salter
Evan Wold
Dylan Sprague
Austin Hill
Returning Series
Original Language: