Vital Signs is a British television drama series airing on ITV from 2006. It stars Tamzin Outhwaite as a supermarket check-out operator who decides to become a doctor. The series co-stars William Beck, Fraser Ayres, Eve Best, Claudie Blakley, Lucinda Dryzek, Beth Goddard, Alfie Hunter, Brooke Kinsella, Harry Lloyd, Peter Rnic and Steven Waddington. The filming of the show is based in numerous London hospitals and medical schools; predominantly the show has been shot in St George's Hospital and Medical School. The theme tune, 'Go My Own Way', was written and recorded by Alexis Strum, and produced by Magnus Fiennes.
Eve Best
Brooke Kinsella
Tamzin Outhwaite
Steven Waddington
Lucinda Dryzek
Harry Lloyd
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Beth Goddard
Ruth Sheen
Anton Lesser
Daniel Percival
Kellie Bright
Linda Thorson
Clare Wille
Ingrid Oliver
Peter Sullivan
Cathy Murphy
Shaun Dooley
Yvonne Brewster
Original Language: