“Hit It Off” is a captivating reality show that pairs up actors to undergo intensive training and enhance their acting skills. Over a dozen talented young actors coexist in a shared living space, showcasing to the audience the behind-the-scenes reality of an actor's life. Throughout their journey, the participants engage in daily activities that allow them to forge deeper connections with their fellow actors. Each individual enters the show with the goal of finding their ideal screen partner, delivering exceptional performances, and solidifying their commitment to becoming outstanding performers. In the grand finale, a panel of one hundred esteemed audience members will have the privilege of determining which team deserves the coveted title of “The Best Screen Partners".
Xie Na
Zhang Yishan
Ouyang Nana
Weijia Li
Wu Xin
Su Ke
Joe Chen
Yan An
Patrick Shih
Yu Chengen
Jason Koo
Liu Yu
Jiang Yiyi
Ao Ziyi
Zhang Yifan
Wu Junting
Li Yizhen
Xu Mengjie
Zhang Li
Gillian Chung
Zhang Huiwen
Lu Yuxiao
Returning Series
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