A extraordinary true story of Delia Balmer, who survived a near-fatal relationship with murderer John Sweeney. The series narrates the ordeal Delia suffered at the hands of John Sweeney, and her traumatic journey through the police and criminal justice system as they attempt to prosecute him for his crimes.
Anna Maxwell Martin
Shaun Evans
Amanda Wilkin
Mitchell Mullen
Jack Franklin
Sallie Harmsen
Cory English
Alice Barclay
Stephanie Street
Sophie Ford
William Brand
Lucy Thackeray
Steve Edge
Matthew Aubrey
Kevin Doyle
Laura Morgan
Clare Foster
Gerald Tyler
Simon Harrison
Brendan Purcell
Sarah-Louise Tyler
Dean Rehman
Pieter Lawman
Gabriela Toloi
Paul Broughton
Kate Fitzgerald
Michael Hawkins
Emma Matthews
Claire-Louise Cordwell
Matthew Trevannion
Alex Murdoch
Colin Tierney
Azuka Oforka
Francine Morgan
Pınar Öğün
Ankur Sengupta
Pameli Benham
Debbie Brannan
Gavin Brocker
Polly Kilpatrick
Mark Flitton
Renu Brindle
Amrou Al-Kadhi
Geoffrey Streatfeild
Clarence Smith
Zita Sattar
Simon Armstrong
Nicholas Khan
Nick Stevens
Returning Series
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