As Seen on TV is a BBC television panel game show based around TV trivia. It is produced by Shine TV by arrangement with Unique Broadcasting; the latter is the company owned by Noel Edmonds, who presented the similarly themed show Telly Addicts. It is presented by Steve Jones, with team captains Fern Britton and Jason Manford. The first episode was broadcast on Friday 17 July 2009. It was moved to a Thursday evening slot from its second episode.
Fern Britton
Lauren Laverne
Kate Garraway
Peter Serafinowicz
Richard Fleeshman
Danny Wallace
Bradley Walsh
Angela Griffin
Laurie Brett
Nikki Kelly
Diane Parish
Debra Stephenson
Melanie Sykes
Jo Joyner
Hardeep Singh Kohli
Eamonn Holmes
Jodie Prenger
Pauline Quirke
Rufus Hound
Michelle Collins
Christopher Biggins
Marshall Lancaster
Joe Pasquale
Clare Balding
Tina Hobley
John Craven
Anton du Beke
Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen
Original Language: