The extended version of the eponymous film served as a TV mini-series. The plot is centered in the city of Karlovac in 1992, during the Croatian War of Independence. The front lines, where Croatian and Serbian forces fight each other, lie near the city. Meanwhile, in the city of Karlovac, a Serbian civilian Vasić is murdered. The story follows the local police officer Barbir (Dražen Kühn), who tries to solve the murder in spite of ethnic hatred and war revolving nearby.
Leon Lučev
Alma Prica
Mirjana Karanović
Dražen Kuhn
Krešimir Mikić
Marinko Prga
Bojan Navojec
Ljubomir Kerekeš
Predrag 'Pređo' Vušović
Tarik Filipović
Rene Bitorajac
Ivo Gregurević
Vanja Drach
Helena Buljan
Sreten Mokrović
Rakan Rushaidat
Matija Prskalo
Slaven Knezović
Slobodan Milovanović
Borko Perić
Amar Bukvić
Marija Kohn
Vedran Mlikota
Adnan Palangić
Melody Martišković
Miljenka Androić
Ljubomir Jurković
Vinko Brešan
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