Valeriya is a talented resuscitator. Work in a prestigious metropolitan clinic, her daughter's plans to enter a university, an affair with the head physician. All this collapses when Valeriya, saving a drug-addicted girl from an overdose, takes extreme measures and fails. The girl's father, an influential man Revzin, deprives Valeriya of the right to practice as a doctor and is even ready - an eye for an eye - to harm her daughter. Valeriya is forced to leave for Petrozavodsk and get a job as an ordinary nurse in a hospital, using her medical school diploma. Her task is to work inconspicuously, without betraying her medical skills and without attracting attention, and the goal is to save her daughter.
Elena Panova
Pavel Harlanchuk
Emiliya Spivak
Elena Rufanova
Valeriy Kukhareshin
Sonia Priss
Ilya Shakunov
Yuliya Marchenko
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