Silver Spoons is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 25, 1982 to May 11, 1986 and in first-run syndication from September 15, 1986 to March 4, 1987. The series was produced by Embassy Television for the first four seasons, until Embassy Communications moved the series to syndication. Silver Spoons was created by Martin Cohan, Howard Leeds and Ben Starr. The show's title refers to family wealth and to the expression that rich children are born with "silver spoons" in their mouths—they are given only the very best and want for nothing.
Rick Schroder
Joel Higgins
Erin Gray
Franklyn Seales
Alfonso Ribeiro
Leonard Lightfoot
Jason Bateman
John P. Navin, Jr.
John Reilly
Brandon Douglas
Amanda Peterson
Helene Udy
Frank De Vol
Tommy Lasorda
Sal Viscuso
Norman Alden
Robert Tessier
Charlie Dell
Mandy Ingber
Rick Lenz
Al Fann
Robert Picardo
Sharon Stone
Bruce French
Louis Guss
Joey Lawrence
Mr. T
Allison Smith
Peter Jason
Billy Jayne
John Anderson
Jack Kruschen
Michael Young
Gary Coleman
Earl Boen
James Staley
Ellyn Stern
Tina Caspary
John Richard Petersen
Marc Gilpin
Rob Stone
Ryan Lambert
K.C. Martel
John Houseman
Matthew Perry
Adam Rich
Shawnee Smith
Manuel Benitez
Charles Bouvier
Christina Applegate
Tip O'Neill
Ben Starr
Original Language: