The life of high school student Ekim, who lives in a humble neighborhood, is shaken by a tragic event that takes place in front of her eyes: her best friend Leyla is injured in a hit-and-run accident. The car disappears inside a prestigious private school, attended by the richest kids of the city. When the neighbors demand justice, the school tries to bury the news by giving scholarships to three studious teenagers from the neighborhood. Ekim, Bekir and Ayşe are chosen, but they soon realize that their life is about to get harder. Yet, Ekim has no intention of letting this go quietly, and there is one thing she is sure of: the criminal is one of the students. While she tries to uncover this dark secret and ensure justice, she will be troubled by her emotions as her heart is turned upside down.
Rabia Soytürk
Caner Topçu
Berk Hakman
Burak Can
Ege Kökenli
Sümeyye Aydoğan
Helin Kandemir
Aytaç Uşun
Durul Bazan
Yeliz Akkaya
Feride Çetin
Hamdi Alp
Utku Coşkun
Taha Bora Elkoca
Bedia Ener
Gökçe Güneş Doğrusöz
Meltem Akçöl
İzzet Yüksek
Murat Daltaban
Alper Atak
Elif Çakman
Jasmin Berkiş
Sena Gençtürk
Cemre Özşişman
Beste Kaptanoğlu
İbrahim Yıldız
Dilara Sümbül
Ufuk Özkan
Tuğba Uluay
Beste Bereket
Hikmet Yaman
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