The All New Hafiz & Friends is an event from Muhammad Hafiz under the auspices of his own production house, VG+ Entertainment Group. The All New Hafiz & Friends is a show that was revived by Hafiz in 2022, where in 2019 the show was stopped by Hafiz aka the end. After 2 years of hiatus, Hafiz revived this show again as The All New Hafiz & Friends. This show was first released to coincide with his birthday, which was on February 8, 2022. For now, The All New Hafiz & Friends has just entered Season 1 and already has 3 episodes
Muhammad Hafiz
Latifah Annur
Witri Asmaida
Devialdi Maisa Putra
Farhan MZ
Muhammad Daffa Alfathir
Rizky Fernanda
Annisa Angraini
Dhea Salsa
Iqbal Mahatir
Muhammad Irfan Ramadhan
Rizaldi Wiranda
Muhammad Defly Putra
Meccalino Adjie
Helfindra Calvin
Rahmat Kurniawan
Syiamu Nanda Saputra
Muhammad Hafiz
Returning Series
Original Language: