This series revolves around the story of a wealthy man (Yahya Fakharani) and his three daughters. The father decides to distribute his fortune among his daughters, but things become complicated when it is revealed that he committed a grave mistake. As a result, the daughters begin to reject their father, each of them going after his inheritance.
Ihab Badr Aldin
Mohamed Al Saadawy
Yehia El Fakharany
Yosra El Lozy
Fathy Abdel Wahab
Mohamed Wafiq
Fattoh Ahmed
Amr Abed
Nada Moussa
Aaidah Riyadh
Mohamed Al Tagy
Said Tarabeek
Hanan Motawie
Aida Abdel Aziz
Mamdouh Maddah
Gamil Barsoum
Hassan ElQenawy
Mohamed Abd El Azim
Esam Tawfiq
Mohamed Farid
Mohamed Al Swasy
Ahdy Sadek
Mohamed Desouqy
Yassir Galal
Salma Gharib
Inam Salusah
Mohamed Adel
Nabil Al Helfawi
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