Saramandaia is a Brazilian telenovela originally written by Dias Gomes in 1976. It's considered remarkable because of the Magic Realism (used by the author to subtly criticize the Military Regime of the time) and had 160 chapters. The story centers on the name change that the city undergoes, promoted by the younger citizens and reviled by the older ones. It also focuses on the lives of the city's quirky residents.
Juca de Oliveira
Sônia Braga
Antônio Fagundes
Yoná Magalhães
Dina Sfat
Ary Fontoura
Castro Gonzaga
Sebastião Vasconcelos
Rafael de Carvalho
Eloísa Mafalda
Milton Moraes
Ana Maria Magalhães
José Augusto Branco
Elza Gomes
Wilza Carla
Wellington Botelho
Marília Barbosa
Jorge Gomes
Pedro Paulo Rangel
Teresa Cristina Arnaud
Ana Ariel
Lídia Costa
Carlos Gregório
Brandão Filho
Vanda Costa
Lajar Muzuris
Francisco Dantas
Natália do Vale
Maria Rita
Maria do Carmo
Chica Xavier
Auricéia de Araújo
Germano Filho
Alciro Cunha
Maria Helena Velasco
Reinaldo Gonzaga
Juju Pimenta
Darcy de Souza
Catulo de Paula
Apolo Correia
Ivan Setta
Zé Preá
Augusto Olímpio
Carlos Eduardo Dolabella
César Augusto
Francisco Cuoco
Jaime Leibovitch
Milton Gonçalves
Tarcísio Meira
Zbigniew Ziembinski
Original Language: