Mercy is a medical drama which aired on NBC from September 23, 2009 to May 12, 2010. The series initially aired on Wednesday nights at 8/7c, as part of the 2009 fall season, but was pushed back to 9/8c in April. On October 23, 2009, Mercy was picked up for a full twenty-two-episode first season. On May 14, 2010, NBC announced that Mercy had been cancelled and would not return for a second season due to low ratings.
Taylor Schilling
Michelle Trachtenberg
Jaime Lee Kirchner
Guillermo Díaz
James Le Gros
James Tupper
Diego Klattenhoff
Charlie Semine
James Van Der Beek
Joey Naber
K.K. Moggie
Patch Darragh
Michael Chernus
Margo Martindale
Kate Mulgrew
Johnny Hopkins
Peter Gerety
Eva Amurri
Kelly Bishop
Ed Jewett
Jamie Hector
Derek Cecil
Kevin Corrigan
Michael Imperioli
Katie Finneran
Delroy Lindo
Jerry Stiller
Jason Butler Harner
Peter McRobbie
Ajay Naidu
Alison Bartlett
Sam Coppola
Ty Jones
Kathleen Chalfant
Michael Stahl-David
Amy Hargreaves
Sean Nelson
Amina Robinson
Mark Blum
Rosalyn Coleman
Michael Cumpsty
John Sharian
Jason Ritter
Daveigh Chase
Colm Meaney
Tina Chen
Hettienne Park
Bobby Moynihan
Nina Lisandrello
Ashley Gerasimovich
Zoe Colletti
Colt Prattes
Diana Shneider
Liz Elkins Newcomer
Vandit Bhatt
Nancy Rodriguez
Yaya DaCosta
Alison Sweeney
Connor Paolo
Donnetta Lavinia Grays
Shana Dowdeswell
David Call
Nick Sandow
Jesse Swenson
Daniel Stewart Sherman
Alex Cranmer
Alice Barrett
Judy Del Giudice
Jim Ireland
Danielle Skraastad
Will Blomker
Miles Grose
John Palumbo
Eli James
Charlotte Patton
Paul Desiderio Jr.
Stephen Sapienza
Dennis Jay Funny
Moe Hindi
Dennis Larkin
Kasey West Lockwood
Helene Taylor
Liz Heldens
Original Language: